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Atlas Neoprene Handschuhe

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Radar Atlas sind Neoprenhandschuhe, die sich ideal zum Wasserskifahren eignen


  • Erlebe Handschuhe, die eine hervorragende Passform mit vorgekrümmten Fingern bieten
  • Die Handschuhe verfügen über doppelte Handgelenksriemen für optimale Kontrolle und Passform


2.5mm, 3mm

Rezensionen   (1)

Verifizierter Käufer
"They seem pretty good quality and are comfortable. I like the inside out stitching. A little tight but these are waterskiing gloves. I actually bought them for wing foiling to transfer the load to my wrists. They do that well. Three Velcro tighteners. Two on the wrist. I was hoping they would be a little warmer, but again they do the job intended and are not supposed to be wetsuit gloves, which is create a predictable tight grip and transfer loads to the wrists. I have put washing up gloves under them and that seems to help in the winter. The back of hand material is quite unusual. Like black silk! Clearly it stretches better than the palm, where it is intended to stretch. They look pretty good. Proper waterski glove business. I’m pleased. I’ve had different gloves before and these are probably the best I’ve ever had for the job they are made for."
James Heaven (Salcombe) 01.02.2022
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